Meeting Emergency Food and Practical Needs in Wolverhampton

Our Vision

We aim to reflect God’s heart for the poor and needy in all we do. We aim to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to the people of our city through practical expressions of His love.

Our Mission

Today in the City of Wolverhampton there are families and single people struggling to buy food and other essentials.

For people on low incomes, a sudden crisis can mean going hungry.
What would YOU do if you…

  • Were made redundant and couldn’t find work?

  • Had to flee your home due to domestic violence?

  • Had difficulty filling in forms so your benefit claim was delayed?

  • Received an unexpected bill and had no savings?

  • Had no family/support network to help you in financial difficulties?

The Well is here to support local people in these and similar crisis, by providing emergency food,
inc. baby food, as well as adult and baby toiletries.

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Bible Verse

‘This is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people. Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them’.

— Isaiah 58:6-11


Our Values

These are the core beliefs that have become the foundation of The Well:

  • Each person is created uniquely, and has a purpose, so we support people of all faiths and none

  • Working in partnership is good, so we have built relationships with Agencies, Churches, other food – related support projects, and the wider local community

  • Prayer is a priority, as it is the best way to keep the foundation strong

  • We depend on God to provide all we need, through whomever He prompts to give

  • As we serve the community we are serving Jesus